Tag Archives: getting organized


As painful as it is to admit, I need help!  My studio and my office at home are just out of control.  So, I signed up to take a class from Alyson Stanfield, The Art Biz Coach. Organize Your Art Biz which started yesterday.

The first thing I am doing is making an assessment. I just keep pulling things out and I’m not putting anything up.  Somewhere along the way, I lost the place where so much STUFF belongs!  So – as embarassing as it is – here are some pictures of my studio today.

The top of my work table

The top of my work table

This table is 4×8 feet.  This is the first thing I’m going to do, clean this off and put everything on the top where it belongs.  I don’t want to keep shuffling things around!


The next thing to do is organize my paper and collage material.  Because the collage material has gotten so disorganized, it is piling up EVERYWHERE!!!!  It was so organized at one time!  Honestly!!!!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere is a long shot of my studio.  Trash trash trash.  It is time to clean this out and up!!!!!!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere is my shelf with gunpowder (yes, I do use gunpowder in my work).  There is something symbolic about having these bottles, but I’m not going to give in and just blow the whole room up just yet!

Small steps – a little every day.  I will post pictures when I feel I’ve made progress.  And, then I’ll start on my desk!!!!!