I don’t make New Year’s resolutions (too rigid with too many rules). As an alternative, I choose a WORD OF THE YEAR. Why? I believe having a word that you can concentrate on all year will bring clarity and focus (FOCUS was my Word of the Year for 3 years!).  Even AARP advocates chasing a Word to concentrate on!

I have been really doing “the work”, but it is time to see some results. That is why I chose the word ACTION. Action is defined as the process of doing something in order to achieve something.

BUT – this year my word has a double meaning. If you aren’t familiar with my artwork, every piece I create is inspired by a particular song that I also learn to play on the piano. WHY? I want to bring awareness to dementia, as your music memory is one thing you will NEVER lose.

Moon River

Moon River, 30×30 mixed media ©vickiemartin2021

Choosing  this word has another connotation for me. My father rebuilt pianos, and maintaining or rebuilding the “action” of the piano was a big part of his job. The ACTION is the heart of a piano. 

In short, it is the mechanism that causes hammers to strike the strings when a key is pressed. 

By using the word ACTION for “my word”, the action I take must be in harmony with my overall goal  – to create artwork inspired by music to bring awareness to dementia.

Do you have a word of the year? It isn’t too late!!! You can start with asking yourself what can you use more of, or what could you use less of.





4 thoughts on “MY 2022 WORD OF THE YEAR – ACTION

  1. Lisa

    I am carrying SACRED with me for the third year in a row.
    But also SOVEREIGN/TY has chosen me.
    So I will be trying to work with them separately and as a phrase “SACRED SOVEREIGNTY”.

  2. Nellie Houck

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