I don’t make New Year’s resolutions (too rigid with too many rules). As an alternative, I choose a WORD OF THE YEAR. Why? I believe having a word that you can concentrate on all year will bring clarity and focus (FOCUS was my Word of the Year for 3 years!). Even AARP advocates chasing a Word to concentrate on!
I have been really doing “the work”, but it is time to see some results. That is why I chose the word ACTION. Action is defined as the process of doing something in order to achieve something.
BUT – this year my word has a double meaning. If you aren’t familiar with my artwork, every piece I create is inspired by a particular song that I also learn to play on the piano. WHY? I want to bring awareness to dementia, as your music memory is one thing you will NEVER lose.
Choosing this word has another connotation for me. My father rebuilt pianos, and maintaining or rebuilding the “action” of the piano was a big part of his job. The ACTION is the heart of a piano.
In short, it is the mechanism that causes hammers to strike the strings when a key is pressed.
By using the word ACTION for “my word”, the action I take must be in harmony with my overall goal – to create artwork inspired by music to bring awareness to dementia.
Do you have a word of the year? It isn’t too late!!! You can start with asking yourself what can you use more of, or what could you use less of.
I am carrying SACRED with me for the third year in a row.
But also SOVEREIGN/TY has chosen me.
So I will be trying to work with them separately and as a phrase “SACRED SOVEREIGNTY”.
Yes! Love your word and your explanation.
My word is EXPERIMENT.
LISA, I love when a word finds you –
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