Every month I participate in a blog circle.  A group of women around the globe posts a blog with a common theme, and we link to each other.  After reading this post – jump over to Jennifer Vitale‘s blog and read about a charming Christmas tradition.

This month the theme is reflections.  In looking back over the year, it has been an amazing year, and I feel it was the true beginning of a new journey and a new direction in my life.  I am starting out 2013 with a better plan than I have before.

As we move towards the end of the year, it is always good to look back and reflect.

As Kiekegaard said “life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”.

The past year has been an amazing journey, and I feel it is still beginning.  What have I learned and what do I need to really work on?

The two most important things I learned in the past year – I have to learn to deal with the stress my job creates, and I have to focus on my art life.  Short and to the point.

How am I going to do this? I’m going into 2013 with a better sense of well-being. I have to take better care of myself – both my physical and spiritual beings. I plan to start my holiday time off by exercising and meditating.  Spending time on a daily basis reflecting will help me relax and thus sleep at night (as I write this at 4:30AM!)

Recently, I was asked what gave me joy – without hestitation I said I good night’s sleep!  As I think and reflect upon that statement, I realize I have to DE STRESS – and  I will be better able to FOCUS – which is my word for 2013.

“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest.” Dalai Lama

As it has been said – if you focus on results, nothing will change.  Results happen when you focus on change.

Now – hop on over to the blog of Jennifer Vitale, and continue the circle around the world!

5 thoughts on “REFLECTIONS – The Year In Review – BLOG CIRCLE

  1. Sue Grilli

    Wow Vickie, you could have written this for me too! De-stress and concentrate on my art life, I love it. Sounds like you’ve got 2013 nailed down. Can’t wait to see what happens!

  2. Lalyblue

    Sounds like you’re ready for the new year! Focus is a great “word of the year”. I never thought of having one before, but maybe I should…

  3. Suzanne McRae

    Vickie, I really enjoyed reading that this past year was a true beginning for you. A new journey and direction in your life. I can feel the excitement that you are feeling as we move into 2013. Enjoy your holidays and spending time reconnecting with yourself and self-care. Merry Christmas… and wishing you a Wonderful and Happy New Year that will be fulfilling for you on all levels! xo

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